Saturday, December 10, 2011

Little Brown Jobs and Large Flapping Things

You like watching the birds in your garden and watching nature documentaries on the BBC, but you still wonder what all the little brown birds that streak in front of your kitchen window are.  You go to the seaside and other than the ubiquitous seagulls, but can't identify what all those long-legged, long-beaked things far out on the shore might be. During a walk in the local park you spot little footprints in the mud but haven't  a clue what might have left them. Sound familiar? You probably grabbed a copy of a wildlife guide or looked on the internet for help, only to realise there are far more 'little brown jobs', seashore birds and small furry creatures than you thought possible.

I literally memorised my bird guide as a child only to find applying the knowledge in the field impossible. Birds and animals don't stand there in a good light, side on whilst you look them up in the book. No, they flit about in bushes, are backlit against the sky or are so far away it could be a stuffed bear for all you can tell! After becoming so frustrated that I couldn't find a book (or website, software even app) that covered British birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians in way that helps both the novice and more experienced wildlife lover identify creatures, I decided to try to create my own....... Stay tuned.